Monday 8 May 2017

OUGD502 - Evaluation

At the start of this year I outlined a number of aspects within my design process that needed improving. This included managing my time more efficiently and  
getting into contact with more professionals and people within the creative industry to help further my practice. These are shown within the blog posts of Studio Brief 1 where I have noted down my interactions with visiting professionals and other creatives.

Studio Brief 2 also let me better develop my contact with professionals. Meeting with Josiah not only helped me complete this brief successfully but helped me better understand working as a design professional. Prior to this interview I was unsure how working as a freelance designer straight out uni would work however Josiah's progression has better informed me of the opportunities available as a graduate. The helpfulness extended the interview as I received various feedback by email which helped me exponentially within my brief however it is also appropriate within any editorial brief. To further this, Josiah gave me a number of useful typefaces and imagery that can be used as research.

Projects outside of uni such as my three exhibitions and client work has been found to be useful in understanding how to talk to clients and other creatives in a more professional and concise way. They have also helped me to grow my audience especially on social media such as Instagram

Working collaboratively with Ben for Studio Brief 03, Life's a Pitch was something that I really enjoyed within this module. Our appropriate research and already established understanding of editorial design and publishing has helped made this project successful and something we hope to grow and commercialise in the future.

Overall I have found this module extremely useful in developing my practice over this year. This is something I hope to push further over summer and in the next academic year. Although I have a better understanding of how I hope to progress after my course, next year will help my ideas further and lead me to a career I enjoy and best suits my work.

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