Sunday 7 May 2017

OUGD502 - Leeds Print Fair

I attended this event as I knew it would better inform my practice. The variety of speakers and topics they spoke about certainly helped me with this. Speakers included design studio Dr Me, an editorial designer for It's Nice that and Pat Bradbury from People of Print.

The two talks I found most interesting were that from It's Nice That and People of Print.                   is a designer that works on It's Nice That's publication, Printed Pages. He discussed his own career as well as the increased popularity of the editorial. Being an avid reader of the publication myself, I found this talk interesting and informative.

Pat Bradbury is the creator of the website, People of Print which documents successful print pieces and publications. He has also produced successful publications such as Print isn't Dead Magazine and the poster zine series.

These are my notes from the talk:

After this event me and Ben were able to talk to Pat about BLEP, our idea for an independent publishing company focussing on local creatives. He gave us the idea to start our project on kickstarter. This would enable us to fund publications without the need for ads. He also suggested that our first publication was open for submission. This means it will reach more people as artists involved will show or page to a larger audience.

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