Tuesday 8 March 2016

Lord Whitney

Yesterday I visited Lord Whitney, a design studio close to my accommodation in Woodhouse, Leeds. I did some research before our visit so was prepared for the designers talk and questions. I noticed Whitney's use of photography on their website along with their long list of high profile clients which consists of the likes of Nicki Minaj and Vogue.

Although set design wasn't something I was particularly interested in, I wanted to know about how Lord Whitney ran their business as often undertake the role of designers or creative directors so felt it was important to attend.

I made pages of notes during the studio of talk as I was interested in how Lord Whitney became the studio they are today. After the talk I feel I have a better understanding of the importance in developing my own portfolio of work outside uni. Whether this be working on my own projects, collaborations or competitions.

I hope to do more of this work in the future as this will help me develop and specialise into a specific field within graphic design which will help towards my job prospects further into my career.

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