Wednesday 16 March 2016

Headrow House

I recently visited Headrow House. I was first informed of this venue earlier this year and was interested in it's modern and successful design. After a recent visit from Alphabet, the design team behind Headrow House, I became more interested in the concepts behind Headrow House and so visited again, looking more deeply into interesting and eye catching design features.The unique concepts used work well so I feel could influence some of my work in the future when using a similar style.

The photographs I have taken don't justify this venue due to the dark lighting you are forced upon as you enter. This feature only heightens the experience at Headrow House which teaches me to look at my final surroundings, as well as other features, when designing as it could influence the perception of the work I have created. This will add to the overall, unique experience I hope to create within each brief.

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