Thursday 10 November 2016

OUGD502 - Harrison Park

Harrison Park was today's visiting lecture within our PPP module. I have seen his work previously as he is previous graduate from my course and his work is visible around uni. This talk has given me a closer insight into working as a professional graphic designer as he explained the day to day work within the profession.

Finding a job post graduation

-Talk to professionals.
-Do work.
-Don't be a dick. ie: if you're good, be humble not arrogant.
-Don't be afraid to ask questions.
-Rejection from studios happen but be grateful for their response.
-Stay true to yourself.
-Don't take the first job you are offered, do the research.
-There's more to life than London.
-Be personal when contacting.

Whilst at uni

-It is important to learn from visiting professionals.
-Use all the facilities as much as possible as use of different processes can be. very expensive in the professional industry.
-Go to events (alone). Make friends and get contacts.
-Be good at self promotion whether it be talking to people or creative 
-side projects can be important as shows you can manage your own projects and will expand my portfolio.

Working at a professional graphic design studio

-Copyright innovative ideas allows you to put a concept into words
-Always talk to other creatives to establish contacts within the industry
-Freelance gets more money however they are often the jobs that no one wants to do.

One thing Harrison noted he does regularly is creating time sheets. These are an important part of the professional process as shows the client what you do whilst they pay for your time. This i something I would like to start to introduce into my own practice. Not only will this process better prepare me for industry but it should also help to organise my briefs during the busy schedule at uni.

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