Wednesday 24 February 2016

why am i here?

This weeks lecture asked me 'Why am I here?' and 'What do I want to learn?' This is an important aspect of my graphic design degree as without it I may be unsure how to progress and gives me reasoning and understanding on why I chose this course over others and the positives of doing so.

The task asked me answer a number of questions as seen below.

Why I chose to study on this course
1. After going to the final show of the graphic design students from last year I was impressed by the high quality of work shown.
2. I was able to meet students and tutors prior to my interview due to open days which gave me an insight on my degree course.
3. Because I attended the college's extended diploma course at Vernon Street I was recommended the course highly by my tutors at the time.
4. My previous experience of the college gave me the confidence that this was an environment that suited me and I wanted to work in.
5. Due to completing a number of tours of the college I understood how good quality the facilities were at the college compared to a number of other universities and how this is a good set up in preparation for a job in graphic design.

Things I want to learn
1. More traditional and unique techniques and methods of working that have previously been unavailable to me.
2. How to work with clients and the appropriate ways to present and design for them. something I have less knowledge on that I  would like.
3. More components of graphic design such as editorial design, advertising and photography.

Things I want to improve
1.Time planning is an important part of design as without it, as a professional, clients may be lost due to a insufficient amount of work. It is also something I wish to improve on as is an aspect that usually lets me down.
2. I would like to improve my presentation skills as a designer. I am hopeful that I will work on this within my course at college.
3. I would like like to improve my skills when working in a group as I often find myself either not tell my ideas to the group or not listen to others.
4. I'd like to develop my understanding of Adobe software and incorporating this knowledge of other programs into my work.

My strengths
1. I am able to think up design ideas quickly. These quick responses to a brief give me the advantage when trying to create more developed ideas for projects.
2. I am able to gain quick understanding of a method or technique such as when first learning about Adobe software, screen printing and photography.
3. I am currently sufficient in the use of a number of Adobe programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
4. I often look at a number of sources outside of college. Influences often come from these places such as Vice, YouTube and
5. I try to read a number of design related magazines as often as i can. I sometimes buy publications such as Cereal and Creative Review as they often spur ideas within my work.

Things that inspire me
1. Movies and films often inspire me. They can influence my design and inform me of information I may previously not have had.

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