Wednesday 24 February 2016

Brian Eno lecture

Brian Eno's John Peel lecture focuses on the question: "what is art?". He first suggests that art is a luxury and that the common thought is that the arts are what you do when you come home from your 'proper' job. It is therefore not essential to live with these things but they make everything better and is what defines us as human beings an not just animals. Eno adds that art can mean different things to different people and that this is what defines it as being art. He gives the example that: if you ask 20 scientist what they think science does they will all give 20 versions of the same answer as it fact whilst if you ask 20 artists what they think art does they will give multiple different answers due to art being based on opinions. I find this concept interesting and thought about if these 20 artist were asked to construct a face each would be completely different. Some artists may paint whilst others may collage. Each artist would have a different style and a different way of producing the brief. From this I have noticed the importance of standing out from other designers. Hopefully over the next year I will be able to have my own unique style or way of working which will me unique and eye catching to design studios in the future.

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