Sunday 13 May 2018

OUGDS602 - Sam Hughes collaboration

Collaboration is large part of WYS and we had decided earlier in year that we would with Sam Hughes on a project. Between us, we decided that we would produce t-shirts in collaboration with his 'brand' Visual Stimuli. These would include the WYS logo on the front and a illustration by sam at the back. We set Sam a short brief, focussing on the WYS core conept and gave him creative freedom to produce 10 ideas. From these we would choose one single idea to use of the back of a t-shirt. These will then be screen printed by hand like the t-shirt made within the WYS brief.

The chosen design is called 'the elephant man' and is an adaptation of one of my own drawings. The confused look is meant to represent how lost you could be before WYS can help you out.

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