Wednesday 9 May 2018

OUGD602 - Creative convos

This week, Alec organised a variety of professional creatives to come into uni to talk about their practice. I found these useful as gave more option on how I could progress after uni. 

Rose Nordin
I found Rose's presentation to be one of the most useful as her practice is similar to mine, focussing on publication design. She is part of the OOMK collective and spoke about how she has used funding to fund her career. The notes are shown below.

Always work in print for interviews

Bookworks (good to stock work and have designer residencies)

Serpentine gallery

artist residencies
(some may not be paid however your own day rate comes from funding. £175 day rate when starting)

British Council

Rabbits road press

go to publishing fairs

Arts fund,
Art links,
Art Quest

Somerset house

Avoid doing any work for free

photocopy club

southyard zine fair

ASP fair

The Book Club

magculture talks once a month
Jeremy Lesley

Robot Food
Start with a workshop with the client
understand who you are designing for

Shout about the USP of the produce use TOV  to bring personality to life

Identify a consumer who is not being catered for
design for the audience

spends a lot of time on research

Time spent on a project
2-3 days research
5 days - 2 weeks for a project (couple of designers work on each brief)
Tailor portfolio for where you want to work

Abraham from The Pop Up Agency
Check-in before every session to understand the team you work with.

challenge themselves and the industry by solving brief in 24 hours
no roles so constantly evolving and growing
we are a reaction of our time
always define a process for how you will work.

Asking clients if they know anyone who we can work with.
Understanding your business
Make a video explaining what you do
Use time wisely. Can't do it when you're done
try everything to evolve as a business

charge what you are worth. Nothing Less!

Abraham and the pop up agency were originally charging £600 for a consultation. changed to £36,000

divide salary:
salary 33%
expenses 33%
Savings 33%

Business must focus on:

Need a good understanding of how to divide time.

60% of time on sales
20% development
20% doing client work and making money

Understand what value you are providing

The value of guidance

Being sustainable is the most important value.

Create your own opportunities.

Don't lose sight of the goal as it can often changge and adapt

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