Tuesday 17 April 2018

OUGD602 - Risograph Workshop

After speaking with one of the artists in residence at The Tetley about their Risograph machine we found out that Orlando, a tutor on our course often puts on courses and workshops to learn about zine making at the Tetley. Me and Ben decided to book onto this workshop to learn about Risograph and the other equipment the have available. Luckily for us, we were the only two people attending the workshop meaning we had the best opportunity to learn about Riso and how it can be used within our practice. We learnt how unpredictable Risograph can be because of how old the printers usually are. This can often cause the drum to bleed leaving unwanted marks on the resulting image. Despite this, Riso printing has benefits such as the ability to produce large print runs for a lower cost. Once the printed work has been transferred onto the drum the only print cost will be for paper. Because of this, Riso is useful for when a large quantity of prints are being produced.

Ben and I had the opportunity to experiment with Risograph ourselves, producing a poster to see how the process works for ourselves. The result is seen below:

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