Monday 16 April 2018

OUGD602 - WYS within PPP

Ben and I have recently discussed the possibility of continuing WYS next year as an independent graphic design studio and publishing house. This was something we had always aspired to do as we had never wanted to work our way up at a large studio from junior designer but rather work on the briefs we enjoy. After Developing WYS within extended practice, we looked at created a brand which represents us as designers. This means using the assets we have created to work freelance as designers and photographers. Doing work under WYS will promote the business and help us become more recognised within the creative industry.

The first part of the promotion of our studio, whilst things are in the early stages is networking. The deliverables we have produced within the WYS identity have helped this significantly. Our business cards and website have been useful when talking about what we do to potential clients and customers. They have meant we can better explain ourself but as there is a physical aspect, the audience will usually revisit our site or contact us directly.

Although this has already been useful, in the future their importance will become more apparent as we start talking to bigger and more influential people  within the creative industry. So far our business cards have been given to photographers we wish to work with, people within our identified target audience who we believe may be interested in the products and those me have met, who we aspire to be like and may help us with feedback. These business cards can be seen below.

As seen in the images of our business cards above, mine and Ben's cards differ slightly meaning we stand out when both cards are seen together. Having a portrait style card layout is unusual however works well to catch the attention of our audience.

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