OUGD402 - Inspiration
Trend list
Trend list places all things popular and influential in graphic design at the current time into an easy to read website. You can look up different styles, design studios and colours. You can also see when these things were most favoured as can search how many of each trend was posted each year.
Neistat is a film maker that works on both independent and commercial projects. His unique films have been recognized by various companies and so has been hired for numerous projects with companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Nike and J Crew. He video blogs (vlogs) daily which has given me an insight into working in design as well as showing me different techniques in photography and various other media.
This store, based in Leeds corn exchange, sells a variety of books, zines and magazines. They sell to a large target audience due to the range of subjects within the book content however they focus mainly on artist photography books. They have a selection of books from local and international artists and so you can find research that may not have previously been available.
Process Journal
These magazines heavily influence a lot of my work as contain everything from design, photography, fashion and art to architecture, health and lifestyle. They contain interviews and articles from a range of different people. Other influences from this magazine include introductions and comparisons to various new and old typefaces. I hope to use some of these influences within my own work in the future.
Instagram has hugely influenced my work and is something I check daily. Accounts such as +Goodtype and +Seb Lester have inspired me to experiment more with hand drawn type whilst I also follow the accounts of design studios and others demonstrating good design. As well as keeping me up to date in graphic design, these accounts have influenced design decisions by helping with research as well as helping produce ideas on particular projects
TED Talks
These series of lectures are broadcasted online for anyone to see and give information on a range of different subjects. Because of the vast amount of talks it is easy to see how my design can be influenced by this company.
Split up into various sub companies such as munchies and i-D, Vice looks at many different subject areas from war to food. They often show the people at the real centre of controversy which adds to a more real and gritty feeling within their videos and articles. This is something I love so constantly keep up to date with their youtube channels, twitter feeds, magazines and website.
This website works similar to others such as pinterest where users can search, scroll, and select certain photos. Despite this, it focuses mainly towards graphic design which means I can often look towards this site when researching. It becomes especially useful when starting a brief as can spur initial ideas which can often lean to experimentation and a better final design.
A number of my already given examples of inspiration have displayed their videos on this platform due to the large amount of people that use it. Their are few countries around the world that don't use youtube making it one of the best ways to document and publish videos to a large audience. It's website is one I visit daily and is something I often take research from.
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