Friday 1 January 2016

study task, getting to know people, OUGD402

Despite being spread across the world, the 10 design studios Simon gave us to research were distinctively similar. Most studios featured designs that were clear, modern and minimalist. This meant that in brand identity, logos were all clear and easy to read. Despite similarities in all studios they all have a distinct feature about their designs that distinguishes them from the rest.

The studio my group were given is called Dessein studios. It is an Australian design company based in Perth. The majority of the work they produce for clients is colourful and clear. They often incorporate both illustration and photography together. This works well especially in packaging design and         of which they seem to specialise in. Their work is often flat with logos of colour and monochrome.

Time planning

Todays lecture gave note on time planning. This is an important aspect of design and something I wish to improve on. Because of this I found the information given within Penny Lee's lecture to be useful and informative. We looked at how we could structure our work so there was time for both uni work and rest. Each person within the group created their own time plan of the week. I found this gave me a structural base to the week and if kept to, could improve not only the quantity of work I produce but the quality.

The time table I created for myself included time for university, work, rest and sleep. I found it difficult to fit all these things together within a week especially across the three subjects we look at within graphic design at uni.

We talked about time planning within a professional environment and how larger agencies will have their own separate department hired just to deal with time planning whilst those with smaller agencies must do this planning themselves like i do as a student. Because of this it is important to time plan now in preparation for the future.