Thursday 29 October 2015

OUGD402 - -

The following are a list of events taking place in november throughout the world. I have chosen a number of events that interest myself. They include a mixture of art and media as well as other outside interests.

1: Heystac 3/11/15
numerous talks with creative professionals from a variety of different backgrounds at Belgrave Music Hall. Talks are based on media and working within the creative industries.

2: Leeds Print fair 7/11/15
This fair situated within the corn exchange sells the work of various local printmakers. The work is of interest of me as have often seen some of the artists and their processes when personally doing work for the arthouse a few years ago.

3: British Art Show 8: 7/11/15
The exhibition is at Leeds Art Gallery and displays the artwork of contemporary artists and designers. Although not knowing whether I will like this gallery, I also plan to go to Leeds Print Fair the same day and these would work well together in the day.

1: The Alice Look: 1/11/15
The V&A Museum of Childhood hosts an exhibition showcasing photographs, rare editions and illustrations for Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. I feel this interesting exhibition will 

2: The Eric Gill sans exhibition: 4/11/15
An exhibition showing the work of Gill is being shown at Truman Brewery, London. As well as being able viewing his work, there is a typography workshop which would help develop and learn new skills. This workshop would be useful for this currant brief as

3: Unpacking Urbanism 25/11/15
The London School of Architecture has a Show and Tell on 'discussing different approaches to urbanism and public space'. The website explains how designers talk about how they design